Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

Oldest magazine of Polish electrician. It appears since 1919.

strona w języku polskim english page

No/VOL: 01a/2012 Page no. 146

Authors: Isidro Calvo , Oier Garcia de Albeniz , Federico Perez :

Title: Szkielet komunikacyjny systemu SAS bazujący na standardzie OMG DDS

Abstract: Today’s Substation Automation Systems (SAS) are formed by diverse microprocessor-based devices that carry out several operations such as metering, monitoring, protection and actuation. Standards, such as IEC61850, aim at providing abstract component-based solutions that improve scalability and ease the replacement of the devices. This paper discusses the different types of communication traffic identified in this standard and proposes a mapping to use the recent OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard as communication backbone in SAS.

Key words: IEC61850, komunikacja w czasie rzeczywistym.
